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Oil Cleansing 101

By Bianca Hazelhurst
23/09/2022 | Read time: 5m

A lot of people are realizing the benefits of the double cleanse, a routine that delivers highly-desirable results. The first step involves oil cleansing, which has been embraced by people from Asia from as early on as the 14th century.

The concept and science behind oil cleansing is this: Oil attracts oil. An oil-based cleanser will dissolve sebum, grease and makeup far more effectively and gently than a water based cleanser.

Have you ever tried to clean a greasy stove top with just water? We all know that water and oil don’t mix! Without an astringent that effectively breaks down and wipes away the oil, it’s not going anywhere. The same idea applies to the oil and make-up that accumulates on your face throughout your tough workday. You need something with a little more muscle if you truly want to achieve a deep clean. The oil within an oil cleanser is like a magnet that will draw out the excess build-up on your face, letting it be released and then washed away.

Kim Hart, a licensed medical esthetician with Skin Wellness MD, agrees by adding: “Since oil attracts oil, it will dissolve the sebum, but the skin’s natural moisture will remain, leaving the skin looking and feeling less greasy.”

Read on for some myth busters.

Myth:“Oil is going to clog my pores and give me acne!”

Truth: Oil cleansing, when done right, can be one of the deepest cleans your skin receives! Primary factors that cause acne are genetics, hormones, age and build-up of dirt, dead skin cells and external bacteria.

Not all oil is bad – oil and sebum is naturally present on the face to protect and heal the skin.

Myth:“No thanks, squeaky clean skin is the way to go for me.”

Truth: I get it, some girls are just ‘bubbles or go home!’. While it’s true that cleansers should work to erase dirt and makeup without disrupting the natural balance of the skin, if you can literally feel your skin squeak, you’re actually doing more harm to your skin than good!

Because your skin has been stripped of its natural oils, the sebaceous glands then work in overdrive to compensate for the sudden dehydration; hello oily skin.

Myth: “Oil on my oily type skin? That will make it worse!”

ruth: You can’t stop the natural production of oil, but what you can do is make sure your skin maintains the right oil balance for healthy skin. This means that a little bit of oil is actually beneficial.

If you have an oily skin-type, the only thing you need to be picky about is the main oil type ingredient, so you would need to avoid any formulas featuring highly comedogenic oils (coconut, wheat germ, cottonseed, etc).

Myth: “I won’t be able to wash it off properly!”

Truth: As a rule, an oil cleanse should be followed up with a gentle water-based cleanser to remove any lingering residue.

You’ll still get the cleaning and hydrating benefits of the oil cleanse, but you won’t have to worry about any potentially left-behind oil clogging your pores.

How often should one oil cleanser? Some do twice a day with good results, however we know that not everybody has time for such luxury. Here at unblemish, we recommend a once a day approach at night-time, that way your skin would get enough time to get hydrated and moisturized. In the morning, your skin will feel ah-mazing.

Things to bear in mind: Your skin takes time to get adjusted to the process of oil cleansing. Wait for at least 2 to 3 weeks to see visible results.

“But which oil cleanser?” We hear you ask… look no further! Filter your skin type within our curated selection to choose your skin’s new best friend.

Have you tried oil cleansing yet? What do you think? Let us know how you’ve incorporated it into your skincare routine. We’d love to hear how it’s working!

Read more about the 10-step k-beauty routine here.